The Cory Calvin Podcast

8 - Why being authentic will free yourself from what is holding you back, with Alexander Gonzalez

Cory Calvin

Alexander Gonzalez hit rock bottom when the harness on a roller coaster ride would not close during his daughter's first ever ride because he was obese. After enduring jobs he chose because of financial reward but not happiness, he used his rock bottom to propel him to finding something he loves to do every day. He has since transformed his life.

Alexander Gonzalez

Alexander Gonzalez is a husband and father in St. Petersburg, FL. His wife Jillian is a former marine and his two children Sofia and Rhys are the light of his life. Alexander has a masters degree in psychology and worked as an academic advisor and adjunct professor before making the worst decision of his life: leaving a career he loved in the hope of making more money. Thankful that was all changed just over two years later when Alexander determined to transform his life forever! Now Alexander is a full time stay at home dad and part time dream maker!

Instagram: @Not_the_fat_dad
Facebook: Alexander Gonzalez

What You'll Learn

  • What are the signs that you don't love your job
  • How to learn from your past career decisions to find your ultimate path
  • The difference between a job and a career
  • Why people use food as an escape from unhappiness
  • When you focus on your fears, your fears become reality
  • Why we are conditioned at an early age to do what our influencers taught us
  • Why you can choose to be a sheep and follow what you have been told, or you can choose to be a rhino and charge hard and get everything you ever dreamed of
  • How you can help friends and family who are obese
  • When is the right moment to pull the trigger to transform your life
  • Why you can either take a risk to follow your dream or you can work for someone who took a risk
  • How you can be a parent and experience all of your children's milestones while having a fulfilling career 
  • How to find a place of gratitude and not compare yourself to others
  • Why you should find a tribe that is going to push you to be 1% better each day
  • Why being authentic will free yourself from what is holding you back



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