The Cory Calvin Podcast
My name is Cory Calvin, and my purpose is to inspire others to live their best life. On my podcast I interview ordinary people creating extraordinary success and blazing their own trail in life. We all have fears that attempt to hold us back and on this podcast you will hear tips and strategies from people who are facing their struggles to break through. These conversations are inspiring, uplifting and fulfilling. Make this podcast your weekly dose of inspiration.
The Cory Calvin Podcast
24. A year in the life of a single, gay entrepreneur during a pandemic, with Cory Calvin
Cory Calvin
Can you believe we have now experienced a global pandemic now for a full year? Have you taken time to pause and reflect what you have learned as a result of your experience over the past year? I use this episode to walk through my experience and emotional journey as a single, gay entrepreneur. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.
You'll Learn
- How I've adapted to a reduced income
- How I've endured without my mother who passed two years ago
- How I've adapted as a world traveler itching to travel again
- How I've dated during a pandemic
- How I've been able to focus on my holistic wellness
Questions to consider
- What have you learned as a result of the pandemic?
- What are you going to do different than you did before?
- What things have you changed in your life for the better?
- What are the new things you are going to do that you would have never done?
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Connect with Cory
Be sure to like my Facebook page @CoryCalvinOfficial to watch the live (video) podcast recordings and to receive updates on inspirational books and online courses I am creating. Become a member of my tribe.... www.corycalvin.com/tribe